Based on
journals and old pictures this is a reproduction of the farm house where Joseph Smith grew up and where he lived in 1820. Its hard to visualize a large family living in homes of this size. I came home and was feeling sorry for myself having to live in a 2000+ square foot basement for a few months and then thought about this house and kind of got a grip on reality. There is in fact a big difference between necessities and
conveniences. Though the people of this people lived in poverty by our standards, they were happy.

After Joseph received the first vision he came home. He was leaning on the fireplace and his mother, Lucy, noticed that something was different about her son. She asked "what the matter was? He replied, Never mind, all is well - I am well enough off." And later he explained the events of the day to her. Andrew is in font of the fireplace.

I'm standing in the room where in vision the angel Moroni first visited Joseph Smith and informed him of his mission to collect the Gold Plates where on the Book of Mormon was written. What a marvelous
opportunity on a location that was so pivotal to the history of the world and salvation of all mankind. I really is true!!!