A trip to Portland to see Adam and Claudia's Claire was a great way to end January and start February. The only problem in the whole trip was finding hold time with Claire. Between two loving parents, meal times, aunts, uncle, grandpas and grandmas; Claire was pretty much kissed, hugged, rocked, patted, bounced, pinched and tickled to pieces.

Glenda's first hug!
Bryant's first bounce!

Who could resist those eyes.

Uncles can be way cool.
Male bonding on the Oregon Coast.
Off to church for dad's first blessing.
Very grateful and pleased parents!
The Belnap Bunch after the blessing.

Adam made us all BYU shirts.
It was a great weekend in Portland for Claire's blessing. We had a good time and considering the numbers of people involved all went very well.
Adam and Claire saying goodbye.
Pounding rocks on the Oregon coast.