On Sunday we were in Palmyra, New York, at the sacred grove. What a wonderful peaceful day that was to visit the place where Joseph Smith received the first vision. It was a special day for all of us to have a reaffirmation of the spirit of those certitudes of the restoration which we hold dear to us. Andrew is in the background having some alone time in the sacred grove.

In Palmyra there are four churches on opposite corners of the same street. They are Presbyterian, Baptist, Methodist, and Episcopalian. Though these building were not present in 1820 these are the congregations that were involved in the revivalism in 1820 when the young boy Joseph was trying to find the truth about religion and went to the grove of trees by his farm house to pray. This helps me understand the strugglings of the boy, who the Lord set apart to restore his plan of happiness.
I LOVE the picture of Andrew hanging out in the woods. Someday, if he ever gets married and has kids, they will love that picture. That's the kind of picture that kids look at, and wonder who their parents really are.
I remember having time to reflect like Andrew in the Grove. It was one of the most moving experiences I have ever had. Andrew looks so grown up! He will be a great missionary.
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