Saturday, August 25, 2007

It has been a while in the making but we finally have "yard". We need to have the back forty hydro seeded but for the more part we are surrounded by grass. We really like the way the dark bark brought out the color of the stucco and brick in the front of the house. The dirt in this area washes out quickly so we felt that the only way to go with the steep sections of the lawn was to use sod from the sod farm. David Belnap helps run a sod farm and was the supplier of about 10,000 sq ft of sod.

It may not look like much but that's a lot of grass. It took about 5 hours to lay. We ended up with a wonderful crew. Devin, Rachel, Crew, Andrew, Bryant, Glenda, Kaleb, Belinda, Justin Maxfield, Josh Fullmer, and Oseen from next door.
Left overs from Julia's summer trip. Mason thought this squeeze toy was the worst thing in the world. At first he'd pull an awful face and scream in fright, if we even came close to him with the green monster.
Mason was a first class in mate at the stair prison.
Cooper in hog heaven. By the way Cooper Grandpa B has grass now. In about 2-3 weeks the lawn will need your professional assistance on the lawn mower.

Grandma Go Go wore out Coop. You can see he has no go go left.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

In preparation for the night's big event our young wizard prepares for a magical evening at the newest Harry Potter Movie release. I particularly like the position of the wrist and elbow. As you can tell it enables good alignment with the nose and gaze thus improving the accuracy of spell casting.

I notice that the bewitching spell is being cast off from the highly bewitching Brinn, who appeared magically delicious for the evenings premiere.
At Andrews party he seemed to have lost the wizardly ways in favor of a party cap.