In preparation for the night's big event our young wizard prepares for a
magical evening at the newest
Harry Potter Movie release. I particularly like the position of the wrist and elbow. As you can tell it enables good alignment with the nose and gaze thus improving the
accuracy of spell casting.
I notice that the
bewitching spell is being cast off from the highly bewitching Brinn, who appeared
magically delicious for the evenings premiere.

At Andrews party he seemed to have lost the wizardly ways
in favor of a party cap.
finally! an update. i was about to break up with you.
Finally! An update. I agree with was almost over. Very cute costume! Man you Belnap women/Ferre women are so talented it really makes me look bad. You're a good mom. By the way...check my blog. There is a "post" just to you Glenda!
Yea you are right it was about time for an update on the blog. I was about ready to take your link off my blog. Also Andrew....What are thinking? All the hard work I did to establish ourselves as a force to be dealt with and this is what you do with it? You dress up as Harry Potter and go to the movies? I can't believe this. It was bad enough having Adam wait for hours for his book. We are now labeled forever as nerds because of these Harry Potter actions. The only thing that could be worse than this is Mom walking around Home Depot with her underwear hanging from the hood of her coat. Oh wait that already happened. I don't think I will ever come back to Idaho Falls.
WHAT?!!!! Did I miss something? Glenda walked around Home Depot with underwear stuck to her? Oh please tell someone, please tell!
How come I didn't hear about the hooded underwear? I'm crushed.
hold up everyone...we only dressed up to kinda have an inside joke at all the people that were dead serious about it. Our costumes were good enough to blend in quite well, but we were still outdone but the hardcore folks, which was funny. At least i dont wake up in cold sweats saying
"What about Dumbledore?!?!"
True Andrew, true. Adam, still has you beat. NOTE TO GLENDA: HELLO!!!!! UPDATE> ITS BEEN AWHILE!
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