Batman meets Robin (Claudette). When we arrived and got out of the car, the dealership PA system came to life announcing, "Robin come to the showroom. Batman has arrived". Coop knew he was the real deal!
Cooper insisted on going every where with grandpa riding shotgun. And he pretty much had this silly grin the whole time.
To steal a phrase from the Sound of Music, "these are a few of my favorite things".

On occasion Mason gets to be Batman too. Sometimes it's hard to get suit time!
The kids and grandparents spent lots and lots of time on the swing.

At the museum of natural history in Denver the kids had fun showing Grandpa and Grandma all of their fun places.

Oh, did I mention that I had the same silly grin as Cooper all the time. This car is so low that when you drive across the grass, you get grass stains on your butt.

Batman does not need his eyes open because bats use sonar for directional control and eyes are optional.

Welcome to Ferreland for the greatest adventures on earth. Glenda really loved the patio furiture and landscaping.

Looking over the Denver skyline from the roof of the museum. Julia reminds one and all that hind sight is 20/20 no if, ands, or butts about it.
Cooper looks like a future orthopedic surgeon.

After a full two days of riding, jumping, running, climbing, swinging, laughing, and hugging even Batman needs a good sleep.

Glenda loves the grand kids so much that she just wants to hug and hold all of them all of the time, especially in griz blue.

Vacation summary: caught in traffic due to a roll over accident two miles in front of us; Bryant lost in the airport and required a page like a little boy to be found; Batman storms the chevy place and takes home a red speed racer; running, hugging, laughing, and playing till grandpa is worn out; getting stopped by police for speeding and getting off with a warning; going home in rain, hail, wind and snow all the way to Idaho on fat tires; or best stated-plane tickets $100, red speed racer lots of dollars, forever family memory and silly grin - PRICELESS!!!!!
On occasion Mason gets to be Batman too. Sometimes it's hard to get suit time!
At the museum of natural history in Denver the kids had fun showing Grandpa and Grandma all of their fun places.
Batman does not need his eyes open because bats use sonar for directional control and eyes are optional.
Welcome to Ferreland for the greatest adventures on earth. Glenda really loved the patio furiture and landscaping.
Looking over the Denver skyline from the roof of the museum. Julia reminds one and all that hind sight is 20/20 no if, ands, or butts about it.
After a full two days of riding, jumping, running, climbing, swinging, laughing, and hugging even Batman needs a good sleep.
Glenda loves the grand kids so much that she just wants to hug and hold all of them all of the time, especially in griz blue.