Trent graduated from the University of Idaho Law School on Saturday, May 10th. Here he is in his academic regalia, the traditional robes and hood of the law school in the colors of gold, black and purple.

Claudia and Adam
joined us from Portland.
It was so great to be together again. We enjoyed a picnic with Trent's closest school friends and their families.

The handsome men on the I bench in front of the administration building. U of I is a beautiful, old campus steeped in tradition. The grounds and buildings are beautiful. The school was founded in 1889 and the Law School celebrates its centennial next year.

The proud parents and new graduate. After a week at home, Trent will return to Moscow for the Bar Review course and to sit the bar. He will return and start his new job in mid August.
Congrats Trent! Seriously, a major thing.
Trent!!! Great job... I love telling people my brother just graduated from Law School. You know I like to one up.
What a great accomplishment and wonderful to be together at this big event. Proud of all of you!
Congrats Trent! Huge accomplishment! We were hoping they would post pictures. Awesome. You look so good. Good luck on the bar and the new job.
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