Julia is always bragging about the weather in Denver. How about 18" of snow just for snowman making. Well it wasn't much of a snowman but Grandpa and the Boys did their best. Besides there were lots of distractions like getting pulled around the driveway on a snow scoop, throwing snowballs and hunting down arms and noses (no easy task).
Glenda and Cooper loved their ride together on the Merry-go-round. It was a wonderful Monday at the zoo with warm weather, no wind and happy kids.
Who could resist a train ride. I don't know why but little boys and girls will remember riding the little train at the zoo when they are taking their own kids there.
Steve loved this video when he saw it the first time. Mason is the great. He really did think of this all by himself. He apparently likes packing things in pipes and noses. What pipes and noses? What other logical thing is there to do with snow and popcorn kernals? Ask Julia and Steve they may have the real insight on this behavior.