Saturday was a special day for the Hill family. Here is a picture at the temple after their sweet Maylin was sealed to the family by their Grandpa Nelson. Earlier in the day Jay gave her a father's blessing. Families can be together forever thanks to these marvelous ordinances available in the temple.

Oh, Devin here are some more pictures for you and your friends in St. George.

Specifically to Devin
Please show these elevation pictures to your architect. I want some opinions concerning shutters, which ones, how big, what color. I am thinking just two of the four and then on the garage window that faces west.
Also, what about facing the step risers with brick....what about front porch pots, etc.
I really want a nice front door presentation. What are their ideas?
Glenda - Thanks for the lunch yesterday! You went above and beyond. Thanks for posting a picture and for writing about the temple. On my blog I have so many adoption people looking I didn't dare say too much. I hope you understand. I tried to put enough that my family would know what happened.
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