This picture does not show the entire burn area but you can definitely see how far back the burn goes. Everything in the foreground of the picture and the darkened hillside in the background is all burn area. Mucho lots of acres.

We had to take this picture. You can see the burn in the front of the house. Then you can see the white structure that's lying on the ground. It is a vinyl fence that melted to the ground in the heat of the close fire. In the extreme right of the picture you can see where it was drooping down. So much for vinyl fences. But it was still nice and white.

These fires break my heart. We learned this morning that the fire in the Richfield area of Utah that closed I-15 was partially responsible for a car wreck my friend and former counselor was in. Her husband age 50 was killed instantly. Her 24 year old daughter was driving and my friend is in the St. George hospital for a brain hematoma and unexplained, severe body swelling. Makes the experience yesterday seem so much more powerful! Life can end quickly and how grateful we are for the temple.
Burn Baby Burn. It looks like God is chastening the people who thought they were too good for Idaho Falls. Who went and built their McMansions! haha.
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